Dunwoody is Updating the 5-Year Comprehensive Transportation Plan
Hi Friends,
At tonight's City Council meeting (9/12/2016), our council is expected to agree to the contract awarding Pond & Company to complete a 5-year update to our 2011 Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The RFP was issued earlier this summer with only two companies responding.
To review the RFP and scope of deliverables, please click HERE.
Unlike the 100% from scratch plan that was produced to great detail by Arcadis, the scope of the work is relatively small & focused.
2.1. Compile and review accident data for the last five years for the purpose of updating Table 8 and Map 11 in the 2011 plan.
2.2. Provide additional analysis and proof of concept for the following existing projects:
a. Womack at Vermack Intersection Improvement
b. Mount Vernon Center Turn Lane
2.3 Obtain traffic counts and evaluate the safety and operations at the following intersections
for possible additions to the project list:
2.4. Update the Bicycle Recommendations and Projects
2.5 Incorporate projects from the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan and the city’s sidewalk improvement plan into the project list.
2.6. Public Involvement- A public information open house will be held to present the updated
recommendations and gather community input. The consultant shall be responsible for preparing information and displays for the meeting, staffing the meeting with knowledgeable staff and providing written responses to comments received. The consultant shall also provide a briefing at a city council meeting at the time the plan is presented for adoption by the council.
2.7. Deliverables- It is anticipated that the five year update will be an addendum to the original plan. The consultant shall summarize the findings and recommendations in a brief written report that includes a prioritized project list with estimated costs and updated maps and graphics. A summary of the public involvement shall be included as an appendix to the report.
A lot has happened with thought leadership in the transportation planning world in the past 5-6 years since we authored our current transportation plan. And it would be great if this paradigm shift could be reflected in our updated plan.
At tonight's City Council meeting (9/12/2016), our council is expected to agree to the contract awarding Pond & Company to complete a 5-year update to our 2011 Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The RFP was issued earlier this summer with only two companies responding.
To review the RFP and scope of deliverables, please click HERE.
Unlike the 100% from scratch plan that was produced to great detail by Arcadis, the scope of the work is relatively small & focused.
To save you from downloading and reading the PDF, here is the Scope of Work:
2.1. Compile and review accident data for the last five years for the purpose of updating Table 8 and Map 11 in the 2011 plan.
2.2. Provide additional analysis and proof of concept for the following existing projects:
a. Womack at Vermack Intersection Improvement
- Provide updated level of service and delay information for the current traffic conditions.
- Provide a discussion of pedestrian safety at roundabouts and recommend additional treatments that could be considered to enhance pedestrian safety.
- Provide recommendations to address concerns with how the proposed roundabout interacts with the high school driveways and internal circulation on the school property.
b. Mount Vernon Center Turn Lane
- Compile accident history and obtain turning movement counts at each of the nonsignalized intersections on Mount Vernon Road. Determine left turn lane warrants based on the GDOT Driveway Manual at each of these intersections.
- Present the data in an easily interpretable graphical format including a conceptual layout for the corridor with the left turn lane and necessary tapers at each of the intersections where a left turn lane is warranted based on accident history or turn volume. For this scenario quantify the area of additional right of way that would be needed. Bike lanes must also be shown in this graphic.
- Present examples of context sensitive 3-lane roadways in residential areas.
- Recommend locations for mid-block pedestrian refuge crossings with the 3-lane section.
2.3 Obtain traffic counts and evaluate the safety and operations at the following intersections
for possible additions to the project list:
- Womack Road at Chamblee Dunwoody Road
- Tilly Mill Road at Peeler Road
- Winters Chapel Road at Dunwoody Club Drive
- Meadow Lane Road at Ashford Dunwoody Road (lengthen eastbound left turn lane)
- Meadow Lane Road at Ridgeview Road (add an eastbound left turn lane)
2.4. Update the Bicycle Recommendations and Projects
- Revise the bicycle network recommendations to provide a connected network that incorporates the city’s existing bike lanes.
- Develop priority levels for new bike lanes based on the bicycle suitability of the existing roadway and closing gaps in the existing network
- Update the multi-use path network map and meet with surrounding jurisdictions to coordinate regional connections
2.5 Incorporate projects from the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan and the city’s sidewalk improvement plan into the project list.
2.6. Public Involvement- A public information open house will be held to present the updated
recommendations and gather community input. The consultant shall be responsible for preparing information and displays for the meeting, staffing the meeting with knowledgeable staff and providing written responses to comments received. The consultant shall also provide a briefing at a city council meeting at the time the plan is presented for adoption by the council.
2.7. Deliverables- It is anticipated that the five year update will be an addendum to the original plan. The consultant shall summarize the findings and recommendations in a brief written report that includes a prioritized project list with estimated costs and updated maps and graphics. A summary of the public involvement shall be included as an appendix to the report.
Now here's my feedback and questions I sent today to our Public Works Director:
A lot has happened with thought leadership in the transportation planning world in the past 5-6 years since we authored our current transportation plan. And it would be great if this paradigm shift could be reflected in our updated plan.
How many PIOHs will be held? In the RFP, it
looks like there is only one. I would see as a minimum two. One at the onset,
seeking citizen input, and a second to present their recommendations / draft
updated plan prior to adoption by Council
Will there be an advisory committee, or an
opportunity for stakeholders to meet & discuss prior to any PIOH?
In the executive summary, can you add a
statement like, “This is a PLAN, Serves as a general guideline. New standards
arise, new initiatives are undertaken, additional citizen feedback is obtained.
So there may be additions or modifications to this plan.”
Can you insure that “accident” data also
include pedestrian & bicyclist crashes / incidents? (Several years ago I
asked Chief Grogan if his accident reports had a checkbox to identify whether
or not it included bicycles, and he replied no. If this is not yet part of the
data our police department incorporate, then can we please change their
reporting to add this?).
Can you remove the term
“accident” and replace with “crash” or “collision”? An "accident"
is, by definition, unintentional. Additional reference here.
Adopt a Vision Zero policy, with
the focus on zero deaths or serious injuries on our street network as the
primary purpose for funding our transportation budget and projects?
Can you replace the LOS model and
instead use Vehicle
Miles Driven (VMT), with the overarching goal of lowering our city’s annual
VMT? The LOS model puts an emphasis on moving motor vehicles as quickly
and efficiently as possible. The Vehicle Miles Driven put a focus on greenhouse
gas emissions, impact on air quality, Clean Air Act. We should have a goal of
REDUCING our city’s annual VMT per capita, which can directly improve air
quality and the overall health of our residents.
Can you insure that traffic counts include
persons on bicycles?
Can you please add Ashford Dunwoody as a viable
bicycle transportation corridor, with preferred facility of a protected /
separated / buffered bike lane (cycle track)? Brookhaven is presently
undergoing a study of this corridor, to include high-quality bicycle
Can you please add an appendix with
PICTURES and EXAMPLES of various pedestrian & bicycle facilities, and a
matrix outlining “Context Sensitive” treatments – where they make sense and
where they do not?
Can you please add to the “Addendum” to the
5-year plan have the opportunity to incorporate recognition of updated national
design standards? To include:
o 5-ft
bike lane width (-vs- 4-ft minimum AASHTO standard). Atlanta’s design guide is
5-ft is their minimum preferred width.
o Change
our City Ordinance for Bike Lane Requirements to change the width from 4-ft to
5-ft. (Chapter
16, section 16-237, Streets)
o Formal
acknowledgment and adoption of NACTO Guidelines for Urban Bikeway
Design Guide (Atlanta has adopted this)
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